Protest on 17/09: The Route

Here is a vizualisation of the route we will walk on 17/9/2011. We will gather in front of the European Parliament in Brussels on Place du Luxembourg at 2pm. We will walk from the EU Parliament to the European Commission and from there into the city center. A detailed description can be found here.

Freedom not Fear Trailer

Video: CCCamp 2011 Impressions


Chaos Communication Camp: Freedom Not Fear Village

ccc_bannerOn the occasion of this year’s Chaos Comunication Camp in Finowfurt (close to Berlin), we’ll have a Freedom not Fear Village! Join us on day 3 (Friday) 10 pm at Hx².

Freedom not Fear in Brussels! Activate!

fightbackThe protest march will take place on 17 September  in Brussels!

The following Sunday 18 September, shall give us some room and time for a small barcamp and networking over all European borders, meeting, making friends, giving and joining workshops, lectures and talks. It’s only up to you and us, what we are making out of it.

On Monday 19 September, we would like to invite politicians, parlamentarians and representatives from the European Commission to lend us an ear, to hear our concerns and our arguments.

What we now need to do:

  1. Please spread the invitation to all members and friends of your group, who are connected to the idea of defending our fundamental rights in a mordern, networked world. Everybody is invited to join us. Additional help in organizing would be great but is definitely not necessary.
  2. We also would like to ask you for some support of our idea of an European weekend of protesting, networking and debating. It would be very helpful if we were allowed to feed our supporters-list with your name.
  3. Finally we are still looking for a nice logo/emblem/graphic to brand our “event”. Therefore we started a competition (without money or material awards!) and it would be fine if you could spread the invitation to join this competition to all of your members.

First thoughts…

For a while now, a few people have had the idea to organize a demonstration under the heading or theme “Freedom not Fear” in Brussels.

Today more than ever, European policy making is affecting our every day lives and our civil liberties in our home countries. Therefore, it is high time to show to our the politicians, representatives and to every responsible person in the European institutions that we care. We we will not quietly accept directives, proposals or agreements anymore that are violating our fundamental rights as European citizens. We want to show our deepest concerns regarding the current European plans to review the data retention direcitve, to come to agreements with the USA, Canada or Australia to transfer our passenger name records. We are very worried about the imminent signing of the ACTA and European projects to cut off Internet users for online infringements. The increasing number of unnecessary and disproportionate governmental surveillance measures as well as massive user data collection by companies on the Internet are more than worrying.

Therefore, we would like to offer you the opportunity to come to Brussels on the 10th /17th or 19th September 2011 and demonstrate

  • for our right to privacy
  • for a free, open, uncensored and neutral Internet
  • for a respect of our fundamental rights and freedoms on the Internet and elsewhere.

We demand…